Comprehensive data for all FDA-approved biological drugs
IPDataLab understands the significance of data quality to our customers in the pharmaceutical industry. Thus, our PurpleBook patent database is manually curated by domain experts and measured via 4 key criteria: reliability, accuracy, depth, granularity.
Each patent in our database was either actively disclosed by the owner or the subject of a term extension application, plus we also include related patents (continuation, divisional, and continuation-in-part applications) thereof, i.e., all directly linked to a drug. This supports focused research about a drug by avoiding search noise. Our data supports efficient Freedom to Operate analysis by providing convenient access to key patent information about each drug.
Patent expiry date is of ultimate importance for pharmaceutical companies because it determines the generic entry date of a drug. In our data system, a sophisticated algorithm produces the most accurate patent expiry date possible, taking into consideration patent term extension (PTE), patent term adjustment (PTA), terminal disclaimers, maintenance fee payment status, etc.
New metadata fields not available in the standard PurpleBook are provided. This metadata conveniently enables search across all fields, which in turn supports deep analytical insights. For example, we extract biological target and indication from drug label documents, and for each extended patent, not only applied extension days but also granted extension days are provided.
Both approved drugs and patents are linked in our system on the most granular level. New indications of an existing drug can be found via the new indication-approval date mapping, which offers a quick overview of drug development trends. For extended patents, specific claims are identified, and a claims-product mapping explains why the claims read on the drug product, thereby enabling a quick drill down to the most critical information.