IPData Lab

Metadata is the key to unlocking competitive advantage.

Recognizing an increase in the value of a patent is as simple as discovering a new link to corresponding commercial activity. Our focus is these links.

Who we are
bulk data and web based search Platforms

User-friendly, flexible, powerful data access
We retrieve uncommon data from hard-to-reach places.

Offering data collections that are not widely available, our bulk data services can be easily integrated into any application, while our
web based search platform provides quick access to the data for individual users.

  • IPData Lab

    PurpleBook Patent Data

    This data set covers biological drugs approved by the US-FDA and the patents linked to each drug. Each linkage is enriched with a set of additional high value data elements.

    Dataset details IPData Lab
  • IPData Lab

    OrangeBook Patent Data

    This data set covers chemical drugs approved by the US-FDA and the patents linked to each drug.

    Dataset detailsIPData Lab
  • IPData Lab

    Standard Essential Patents

    This data set covers most all standard authorities and links patents that have been declared essential to the associated standards.Each linkage is enriched with a set of additional high value data elements.

    Dataset detailsIPData Lab
  • IPData Lab

    Full Text Office Actions

    This data set is a full text document collection. Included are full text copies of most every U.S. Office Action – both back file and updates.

    Dataset detailsIPData Lab
  • IPData Lab

    US Office Action Mentions

    This data set contains an extraction of cited references and corresponding reasons for rejection derived from the text content of U.S. Office Actions. Each citation is enriched with a set of additional high value data elements.

    Dataset detailsIPData Lab

Create with IPDataLab
Is there a particular data set for which you would like to obtain the backfile and ongoing updates? Let’s talk.

IPDataLab is available to consult and collaborate with anyone that wants to build something cool and useful. We work with large and small companies and startups that need help reaching a broader market.

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IPData Lab

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Let us show you what is possible with leading edge intellectual property data intelligence.

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